Middle East War threatens to consume the world. Map of the war sites.

USA Poised to Take Middle East War to the World

Maybe you say Israel is America’s proxy in the Middle East war. Israel is a monster, created by America, out of control like some Frankenstein. Israel is proud of their bottomless depravity, and America’s leaders drink it up like life-giving water. Republicans and Democrats compete tirelessly to win the favor of the State of Israel. The presidential fight is proxy for who gets to lead the war. This pushes all those kitchen-table issues toward moot.

On October 4th, former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta made it clear that the conflict is a bona fide regional war, and that Israel’s behavior will determine if it goes “full scale.” The USA has, ostensibly, sought to pull back from the region after a series of setbacks and mistakes. Still, America’s near-desperation to maintain global standing has kept American forces on the ground. At about 1:30 into the video, Panetta said Israel is fighting for its survival, that Netanyahu must put his personal ambitions aside, and that Israel cannot succeed without real diplomacy; a long standing truth.

In the last seven years of increasing aggression, initially stimulated by Trump, Israel has floundered. They have defined no meaningful goals, so none are achieved. The only Israeli goals that can be deduced are colonialism and genocide. Americans used to be worried that Trump-the-GOP would go to war just to stay in office. Now, the Democrats have actually done that, and more.

How the Middle East War Is Controlling this Presidential Election Cycle

Bipartisanship has locked the country into two candidates, both of whom subscribe to Israel’s charade of criticism as antisemitism. Unchecked, by leadership’s choice, American blood is bound to be spilled over this.

The USA has been inserting ever more troops into the hostilities. These “defensive” measures increase the likelihood of direct US involvement in the Middle East War, which would then render it a more global affair. Air Force Major General Pat Ryder states 40,000 U.S. troops are in the Middle East. This number represents 25% more than usual. Thousands more are being added here and there, along with another aircraft carrier strike force. So, the area is bristling. These moves are always accompanied by canned words acknowledging the need for diplomacy.

If Polls Can be Believed at All…

It is supposedly too close to call, so pressure is up, and the media moguls are spinning hard. Some indicate Trump trending slightly up while Harris is stalled or has lost some mojo. A bad place and timing. But come on Kamala! She can no longer essentially ignore the Middle East War, but seemingly cannot speak her mind or upset the status quo.

The Democrats’ Dilemma Around Saving Democracy

In this state of affairs, we are seeing the downside of being the “lesser of evils”, which is the Democrat way. This strategy actually prohibits serious planning. Dems cannot have anything like the dreaded 2025 plan; they just capitalize on a form of defense. This is coming back to haunt them, and the country. Dems are following the GOP (and the world) to the right, in some ways extremely. This is a factor in their loss of Black and Latino votes. After this cycle, this turn of the bipartisan crank, there will be epic change.

Joined at the Hip: Netanyahu and Trump

As established demagogues, Netanyahu and Trump disregard violent consequences of their actions. They take queues from each other, to the point of sharing speech habits and ways of stoking racial hatred. Netanyahu worked against the Oslo peace process, resistance that resulted in the right-wing assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, an act that fundamentally changed Israel’s direction. Netanyahu’s rhetoric has featured warnings about Arabs turning out to vote “in droves”, as Trump has parroted in his racist rhetoric, like white supremacists at Charlottesville being “very fine people” and Mexican immigrants being rapists. Trump has not yet had anyone killed, but has suggested his ability to do so, now with Supreme Court support. Both these men have brushed aside investigations into their behavior.

Harris Follows the Default Party Line: the USA Will Support Israel No Matter What

When it comes to Israel and the Middle East War, you can see Kamala Harris draw a quick breath and get the smile off her face. Or, maybe she is a bit anxious to weigh her words and not make a mistake. It is “serious stuff”, indeed. Gaza was an elephant in the room, but now it is a pile of rubble.

Harris surrounds herself with Jewish people. Many of us do. People willing to talk about Israel’s behavior distinguish between the state of Israel and the Jewish people. It is not clear that she makes any distinction, and her silence speaks loudly.

The state of Israel has more contolling interest over America than any voting block or political candidate

Yes, since its post WWII inception, Israel has meddled to extreme in all affairs American, to the chagrin and detriment of Americans.

Yes, Israel routinely buys American politicians (through AIPAC, etcetera). But even that cannot explain or justify Israel’s wide-open moral turpitude against the world. They celebrate and promote Middle East War, against the will of most American people. It is beyond capitalism and politics; America is being forced into a war culture.

America Has Lost Its Way Following Israel into the Middle East War

The utter chaos into which we are stuck is well communicated by the State Department press briefing of October 1, 2024. It is tantamount to the Three Stooges covering for Israel.

Not a day goes by without new atrocities, mostly born of Israeli aggression that routinely extends to terrorism. Americans are expected to pay without limits or explanation, to be happy that American blood is not yet being shed.

Ten days back, the NY Times seemed to suggest people should feel sorry for the Israelis beause they haven’t been able to have a day of mourning. Maybe they do need to take time out from their genocidal war. Sadly, on the same day of sort-of mourning, as reported by Sharon Zang, ninety people were killed in Gaza including six at an orphanage.

A ceasefire has always been a sad joke, given the propaganda and feigned diplomacy. It needs to be an arms embargo. Else the Middle East War can be coming to a neighbothood near you.

  • Israel is taking its land war to Hezzbolah in Lebanon while US forces are attacking the Houthis.
  • Biden went from saying endless war is exactly what he hoped to avoid, to saying he is on board with Israeli striking Iran, to saying he hopes it won’t be nuclear, while admitting he (nor America) has any sway.

So, there is no control but war must go on, and we ride hard behind Israel, says American leadership. And if it goes on, it likely spreads.


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