See this the right way. The bad, the so so bad, is the authoritarian power play Trumpism put on Zelenskyy. Almost a death sentence. The good, the oh so welcome good, is the weakness the desperate act revealed. And, good is the positive energy it injected into common Americans.
Thanks goes to the red state cold war Republicans
In many circles, for many reasons, people who voted for Trump are back-pedaling. They know they have been betrayed and that what the Trump administration is doing is wrong. It is beautifully ironic that the first substantial crack in Trumpism comes from the grassroots Republicans. They spent their lives in fear against Putin. They now provide a wonderful, even sacred, common ground. We the people must find more commonality, keep organizing, and keep educating.

The flat-on-their-back establishment Democrats have nothing to do with this Trumpism snafu
People are disgusted with the endless blather coming from the Democrats and their media about how bad Trumpism is. Democrats are supine, flat on their backs by oligarchy law. They can do literally nothing, because they take more oligarch money than the GOP.
Most elected Democrats will not stand or do anything of substance unless and until Trumpism fails. Sociopathic rule is a function of corporate capitalism of the form that has overtaken America.
Trump has his marching orders, which matches his ego
Trump has swooned over dictator-types and made it clear he wants to be one. He expects the whole world order to change in support of his ego. It is all to the advantage of Russia. His ego is what has made him susceptible to Putin’s wishes.
ThisĀ Ukraine articleĀ features ex-senior KGB chiefs saying that Trump was recruited and has worked as a Russian intelligence asset for many years. It aligns closely to the Mueller report and a Senate Intelligence Committee report that Marco Rubio supervised. Some day the truth will come out. Everybody will be saying they were never for this Trumpism crap.
The jury is still out. Sadly, the jury is rigged
America is being forced into a new reality that replaces decency, law, and democratic accountability with raw autocratic rule. Despite the warnings and seeing it coming, the brash lawlessness has been worse than our bad dreams, worsened by the professed and real inability to do anything about it.
The Supreme Court acts favorably to Trump. The Supreme Court is part of the Trumpism. Law suits against Trumpism say they must stop the lawless money grabs. And the people, we the people, won some of those important law suits. But, team Trump ignored the rulings. So, this forced the issues into the Supreme Court, where Trump most always gets his way. A loss on these issues at this level (a ruling is coming soon), if they side with Trump, it basically makes it official that we are no longer a democracy. There would be no substantial option unless people take to the streets at far greater scale and at far greater intensity than anything seen so far. Sadly, Trump has made it plain that he will turn the army loose on the people.
Opinion on the pending Supreme Court action
Alas, the Supreme Court cannot deny they are a body politic. As such, they too will see how Trumpism is starting to sputter. So, in their political wisdom, they probably won’t strip away all vestiges of law. Besides, like all the nervous government officials, they know that at a certain point in the fascist progression, their function becomes meaningless.
Trumpism doesn’t die with Trump
How petty and inexplicably nonsensical and stupid. Zelenskyy is a heroic tired man, at war and surrounded by death. He is fighting for Ukraine, for American interests, as well as those of the free world. Zelenskyy is on the ethical and moral high ground. Yet Putin’s punks, the stars of Trumpism, tried to berate him.
Trump and Vance are like dictator amateur hour. People full of hate and greed are coaching them and are anxious to replace them, as they all learn. The oligarchs know they can do a lot better than Trump. He is their trial balloon.
When Trump goes down there will still be tremendous repair work to be done. Think of corrections like Christian nationalism, money in politics, fairness in taxes, voting rights, big tech/AI control, and on. Americans will do all this, while not forsaking world responsibilities like Ukraine.