Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Well-Being

  • Up River: Moving Poems by Cecil from Dollar Tree

    Up River: Moving Poems by Cecil from Dollar Tree

    Up River, a collection of moving poems by Cecil Rupnaraine, is a remarkable way to celebrate poetry and a remarkable poet. April is, after all, poetry month. I am lucky that Cecil recently shared a last remaining copy of his poems from a first partial attempt to publish; a couple are reproduced here. While getting…

  • Love All Juveniles – Help Stop Michigan’s Life Without Parole

    Love All Juveniles – Help Stop Michigan’s Life Without Parole

    Michigan ranks first in the nation for the largest number of people sentenced to life without parole when they were children. The majority of the people who have received this “death” sentence — more than 70% — have been children of color. Pending House Bills 4160-4164 and Senate Bills 119-123 Will Stop This Inhumane Practice If passed,…

  • Love for American Democracy: Is There A There There?

    Love for American Democracy: Is There A There There?

    Yes – absolutely – there is a there there. You can experience it in the rolling country side and in the churning cities. In the natural unscripted settings. American democracy is there and screaming to be set free. Democracy has not failed, not even close. The embers of the American spirit are alive, and the…

  • Autumn 2022 VanLife: Roller Coaster to the Good Life

    Autumn 2022 VanLife: Roller Coaster to the Good Life

    Autumn 2022 was quite a VanLife roller coaster for my partner and I. It was a great and eye-opening experience for us as relatively new van adventurists. We learned a couple of important lessons and saw the power of flexibility in van travel. Plus, it was a great reminder of northeast America’s autumn beauty. We…

  • Questions About an Exciting New Strike Force Idea

    Questions About an Exciting New Strike Force Idea

    A new strike force idea was born in Seattle, where it has experienced some local success. Now they are actively working to take the effort national. Their work draws heavily on the history of labor conflict and rights, applied to America’s dire needs of the day. So, while not perfectly literally new, it is a…

  • America in the Geopolitical Wheel of Fortune: Nord Stream

    America in the Geopolitical Wheel of Fortune: Nord Stream

    Last September’s destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline played into the American economic and war interests; it also set the tone of the Ukraine war. On February 21 2023, the UN held a special session calling for full disclosure. Earlier in the month on February 8th, prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh provided the first and only…