Authentic Faith & Vibrant Democracy
The Israel lobby is forcing the Democrats into a decision. Here is the deal: either be fully bought out and totally involved in fixing Israel’s growing problems, or everything goes to the Republicans. The Israel lobby has long owned the…
Beautiful Powerful Diversity: Contrast of Indispensables Merchan and Cohen
With all the kudos and thanks that are pouring out from countless hearts and minds, there is unique specialness attributable to Judge Merchan and Mike Cohen. They are a manifestation of the powerful diversity embodied in the American people. Yes,…
Jesus Was Not and Will Never Be a Christian Nationalist
This title borrows words from the Right Reverand Dr. Bonnie Perry, Michigan’s eleventh diocesan Episcopal Bishop. The emphatic statement that Jesus was not, and will never be, a Christian nationalist was the thrust of her presentation. She spoke about a…
Ardent Zionist: You Better Keep Your Enemies Closer
Recently, a man introduced himself to me as an ardent Zionist. He put a subtle but noticeable emphasis on the word ardent. Later, I came across the reference to an ardent Zionist in my reading. Then I heard a scholar…
Divorce Israel. Take Protections Out of the Party Platforms
We need to divorce Israel because of that country’s relentless assault on civilization and humanity, their actions against democracy, and their utter disrespect for America. In this election year, the obvious place for America to take a meaningful stance against…