Authentic Faith & Vibrant Democracy for Today
Nameless No More – 123123 Coalition Against Genocide
UPDATE: The committed realistic group that started on 123123 now has a name, Coalition Against Genocide. It’s fitting that this group has coalesced and grows as the Gaza slaughter continues, and Biden has gone far enough to call it World War III any time he chooses. Coalition Against Genocide is led by René Lichtman, whose…
One of the Last Remaining Army Hell Hawks: Bob Russell
Army Hell Hawks were a band of brothers-fighters in WWII that flew P47s. These planes were sometimes called flying tanks. They had an ability to take hits and keep flying. The brave boys and men who flew them provided air cover for the Army infantry, strafing and bombing at the battle lines to keep things…
The I75 Van Line: An Incredible North-South Thoroughfare
On January 13th 2024 we pulled out for another excursion on the I75 van line. Call it a van line, up and down through the American heartland. For us, it was down from Michigan to Florida, and then up to go back home. You always see plenty of class B van adventurists on I75. It’s…
Vulnerable Democracy: Lawlessness Can Explode Into Anarchy and Chaos
Prevailing morals and special interests are strangling our increasingly vulnerable democracy. American democracy, the light of the world, is on the ropes. Some big bad somebody has a knee on the neck of America. Is his name Clarence? Amicus briefs, (delivered by right-wing ‘friends of the court’), always readily provide the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) with…
The Gaza Slaughter According to a Holocaust Survivor
The Gaza slaughter has spiraled out of control. Meanwhile, the war machine is not slowing down. Back in October, I reached out to Detroit Jewish activist Rene Lichtman, to get his take. Rene is sometimes perceived to be ‘too direct’. Rene is a child holocaust survivor, but probably more importantly, he holds an informed and…
Remarkable Jews & Allies Never Give Up – Stop the Genocide
Detroit Jews and their allies stood – and then laid down – to demand a stop to the genocide in Gaza. They did this on December 22nd starting at 10AM, in front of the Zekelman Holocaust Museum. They then marched to the intersection of 12 Mile and Orchard Lake Roads in Farmington Hills, where some…