Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Well-Being

  • Nurses Are Vital Better Angels

    Thank you profoundly, Nurses!  Nurses are vital! You consistently show love and deliver vital care. You are the back bone of our complex medical system. You tirelessly and devotedly give of yourself, though conditions are not always what they should be. You are appreciated. You work among both the needy patients and the brilliant doctors…

  • Detroit March for Our Lives

    It was a bit windy and cool, so you wanted to stay in the sun, but Saturday was a beautiful day to March for Our Lives in Detroit. God bless, thank, help, and save the children!

  • Michigan’s Ongoing Integrity Failure

    This might be the cold dark heart of what honest Michiganders must change in the upcoming elections. We’re talking integrity failre. It won’t get done by just any old Democrats taking a turn. Under Governor Rick Snyder, Michigan went from 44th to 50th in political integrity, the lowest ranking in the country, as measured by…