Authentic Faith & Vibrant Democracy
One day soon might be your last chance for a Royal Oak Comet Burger. The iconic burger joint is to undergo significant change in September, right after Labor Day (a.k.a Arts Beats and Eats). At least a change in ownership,…
Today’s Youth Are Becoming the New Greatest Generation
You youthfuls are amazing. So amazing and resilient are you, that you are becoming the new greatest generation. The world sees the epic challenge and your response coming to pass. America recognized its previous great generation; those who endured the…
A Bit-Too-Fast But Awesome: Great Lakes VanLife Circle Tour
We’re just back from a Great Lakes VanLife adventure that provided an excellent and memorable start to experiencing the region. They call them the Great Lakes for good reason. In our Tellaro, we did our own tailored version of the…
Taking in a Memorable Success: Official VanLife Adventure #1
Sometimes you get the opportunity and you just have to go for it. We are lucky to have just finished our first official VanLife adventure. This, after recently getting our Tellaro van and a wild unofficial adventure to get some…
Amazing Cooper’s Hawks Rule South Wilson Avenue
UPDATE: I wondered what the Cooper’s Hawks would do when all the smaller birds and rodents were gone, and now we know. Rather unceremoniously, the hawks left. Seemingly, every single one. It was literally like over night. Maybe this is…