Authentic Faith & Vibrant Democracy
Today’s political landscape is a lot like ancient Israel under Roman rule. Back in that day, some people were accepting change, or even looking for it. Many others were just totally apathetic. And still others were wildly hostile and angry,…
Living Presidents Feckless in the Light of Jimmy Carter’s Legacy
Fondly remember the great Christian man, Jimmy Carter. His funeral today put another item on his long list of lessons for fruitful life and decency. By simple contrast to our living presidents, Carter shined a light on the moral turpitude…
Like it or not, we’re all anti fascists now
People are getting called out as fascists and anti fascists, all over the world, down to your community. You’re either one or the other because all the middle ground is fast getting rubbed out. This picking-of-sides is where American political…
My Unexpected Van Life Experiences of 2024
Society is changing and the unique experiences of living through it are affecting van life. Our 2024, we noticed and made adjustments in outlook and approach. Certainly, this was the case for me, at least from my perspective, as I…
America Could Learn Important Lessons from Mexico on Restoring Democracy
If America wants to get real on restoring democracy, Mexico is having meaningful success fixing theirs, and provides a good example. Beating back neoliberalism and corruption are driving Mexico’s change. America has the same serious barriers to good functioning democracy.…