Authentic Faith & Vibrant Democracy
We have enjoyed 15K+ miles in our 2023 Tellaro 20L since taking delivery back in July 2022. It has the ReLion 200Ah Lithium power system in the coach. Traveling in Tennessee on January 10th, we found the lithium system totally…
One of the Last Standing Hell Hawks: Bob Russell
Many people love Bob Russell, one of the heroic Hell Hawks of WWII. This distinguished man’s 99th birthday is on January 17th. So, adoring family, friends, and veterans will join him on and around that day in Dunedin, Florida. UPDATE:…
Dream on America, For the More Perfect Union
American people get to dream of a more perfect union; thankfully it still hangs like a star. It hasn’t been snuffed out, so far. And maybe it just flickered a bit brighter, given the political spectacles of these last days.…
Our Precious Ability to Make and Keep Decisions
The ability to make and keep decisions is a defining life trait of humans. It places us squarely between animals and Godliness, trying to be more like one or the other. At this intersection there is wiggle room, where we,…
The Noble Challenge Of Salvaging American Democracy – Part 1
There is a lot in the way of salvaging American democracy. Probably it starts with a reluctance or inability to see the truth. Any successful effort would be noble – and then some. It can be done, and in some…