Authentic Faith & Vibrant Democracy
The Gaza slaughter has spiraled out of control. Meanwhile, the war machine is not slowing down. Back in October, I reached out to Detroit Jewish activist Rene Lichtman, to get his take. Rene is sometimes perceived to be ‘too direct’.…
Remarkable Jews & Allies Never Give Up – Stop the Genocide
Detroit Jews and their allies stood – and then laid down – to demand a stop to the genocide in Gaza. They did this on December 22nd starting at 10AM, in front of the Zekelman Holocaust Museum. They then marched…
So-Called Self-Hating Jews See the Tragedy of Gaza
Self-hating Jews provide important insight in these troubled times. This article touches on what that means and introduces a couple of such people. Over time, Jews have used “self-hating” to beat down Jews that dare to criticize the Jewish state.…
Denial and Suppression Comes Down on The Detroit Art Scene
Detroit art is vital. Cranbrook, as a degree-granting institution, is at the center of art and design excellence. Now it is also at the center of controversy, according to my student discussions. Heavy-handed self-righteousness arrived on campus ten days ago.…
Vital Change Opportunity: Life at a Remarkable DSA Crossroads
A DSA crossroads is looming and that’s a good thing. In fact, a very good thing. Gladly, the DSA has grown a measure of substance and has options to go forward. Hopefully, there is appetite and energy for more. In…