Category: Politics

  • Know Your Christian Nationalism Options

    Know Your Christian Nationalism Options

    Christian nationalism is thriving. It merges Christian and American identities, distorting both the Christian faith and America’s constitutional democracy. This diabolical tendency has always been here, but under 50-50 bipartisan control, it takes on outsized importance because it can tip the balance of power. It has become a sharp and ready tool of hate, most…

  • Cease Extreme Exploitation: Socialism Now

    Cease Extreme Exploitation: Socialism Now

    For the Sake of Democracy Yes, this is for socialism and against capitalism. Give socialism a chance before the bullets start flying. Because socialism has a great chance of restoring democracy, when capitalism has proven to have none. In fact, capitalism is feeding social malaise and is actively killing off democracy, if not the planet.…

  • World Order 101: The Ultimate Follow the Money

    World Order 101: The Ultimate Follow the Money

    World order changes are not something that God has ‘allowed’ to happen to man. It’s one of the challenges that man has created and brought upon himself. Profound changes are in the works. World order change, also known as geopolitics, is an undeniable ongoing force. It plays a large part in writing the history of…

  • Love for American Democracy: Is There A There There?

    Love for American Democracy: Is There A There There?

    Yes – absolutely – there is a there there. You can experience it in the rolling country side and in the churning cities. In the natural unscripted settings. American democracy is there and screaming to be set free. Democracy has not failed, not even close. The embers of the American spirit are alive, and the…

  • Questions About an Exciting New Strike Force Idea

    Questions About an Exciting New Strike Force Idea

    A new strike force idea was born in Seattle, where it has experienced some local success. Now they are actively working to take the effort national. Their work draws heavily on the history of labor conflict and rights, applied to America’s dire needs of the day. So, while not perfectly literally new, it is a…

  • America in the Geopolitical Wheel of Fortune: Nord Stream

    America in the Geopolitical Wheel of Fortune: Nord Stream

    Last September’s destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline played into the American economic and war interests; it also set the tone of the Ukraine war. On February 21 2023, the UN held a special session calling for full disclosure. Earlier in the month on February 8th, prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh provided the first and only…