Category: Culture

  • Common Folk Surviving on Powerful Resolve and Hope

    Common Folk Surviving on Powerful Resolve and Hope

    As world turmoil flares up, so also does positive resolve and hope; they are the natural life-seeking-and-preserving response. These qualities will stay strong, enabling goodness and humanity to prevail. You cannot take away these innocuous human characteristics; they are high powers that flow from individuals; they are personal inalienable decisions. These powers are a cause…

  • Lincoln, by Gore Vidal: A Timeless Revealing Master Work

    Lincoln, by Gore Vidal: A Timeless Revealing Master Work

    Gore Vidal earns much deserved praise for his historical novels. As an author and intellectual, Vidal weighed in on academia, presidents, and whole portions of the American public. His social stances and the profound historical insights he provided resonate strongly still, none more vibrantly than Lincoln; this book illuminates the period from the 16th president’s…

  • Writing: Always a Welcome Port in the Storm

    Writing: Always a Welcome Port in the Storm

    We have all this “history in the making” and amped up social angst. So, the craft of writing is abuzz. More than usual, writing is a welcome port in the storm of life and social exchange. I am passionate about writing and have been taking stock of options to improve mine. This leans into how…

  • Today’s Youth Are Becoming the New Greatest Generation

    Today’s Youth Are Becoming the New Greatest Generation

    You youthfuls are amazing. So amazing and resilient are you, that you are becoming the new greatest generation. The world sees the epic challenge and your response coming to pass. America recognized its previous great generation; those who endured the Great Depression in the 1930s, who then beat back the Nazis in the 40s. Not…

  • A Bit-Too-Fast But Awesome: Great Lakes VanLife Circle Tour

    A Bit-Too-Fast But Awesome: Great Lakes VanLife Circle Tour

    We’re just back from a Great Lakes VanLife adventure that provided an excellent and memorable start to experiencing the region. They call them the Great Lakes for good reason. In our Tellaro, we did our own tailored version of the acclaimed Lake Michigan Circle Tour. The trip was rich and rewarding. Call it a start…

  • Taking in a Memorable Success: Official VanLife Adventure #1

    Taking in a Memorable Success: Official VanLife Adventure #1

    Sometimes you get the opportunity and you just have to go for it. We are lucky to have just finished our first official VanLife adventure. This, after recently getting our Tellaro van and a wild unofficial adventure to get some electronics stabilized. Packing and preparing our van for the first leisurely adventure was a two-day…