Undecided voters as Harris must earn

Remarkable Harris Flying High: Can She Reclaim Undecided Voters?

Call them undecided voters, or uncommitted or demanding. They know that America is badly enough broken and misguided that we are up against what is probably the final chance to salvage our democracy. Politics being as feckless as they are, both parties say the same thing.

UPDATE The Uncommitted National Movement has announced a number of demands in the run-up to the Democratic national convention (DNC) later this month, part of an effort to use its voting power to influence Kamala Harris and the Democratic party’s stance on Israel’s war in Gaza.

Undecided voters can sway the election for either party. But if you look, Republicans are looking to complete the dismantling of democracy (and they have their 2025 plan), while the Democrats are once again saying all the right things about saving democracy (and their plan is seemingly to ride the Harris sugar-high).

Undecided voters are not those who were naively saying, “we just have to get Biden re-elected”. The undecided are not the Democratic faithful who now think it will be all good and easier under Harris. The undecided are more informed and discriminatory, and equally important.

No where is American discontent more pointed and palpable and pervasive than that generated by the horror of the Gaza war. Israel and America are becoming pariahs of the world, despite all the propaganda and conflation to the contrary. Americans see it for what it is and expect better. In backward but necessary fashion, war, or more exactly resistance to war, is the great unifier.

Israel has a history of killing Hamas leaders who are trying to secure ceasefires, according to Mehdi Hasan. Not a day goes by that Israel is not serving up new atrocities, which they justify in context of their genocidal commitment. Yesterday it was an assassination of a high-ranking officer and the day before it was the bombing of the Lebanese capital, Beirut. Is this the response to Harris’s recent private talk with Netanyahu, and her stern public statement? Israeli warmongering is not just Netanyahu, and it is financed and facilitated by the USA.

America is following Israel’s lead toward world war 3.

Uncommitted voters came out against Biden’s handling of the Gaza war. He created this American blackmark in history. The genocide is still ongoing, with Biden support, so uncommitted voters still have humanitarian demands. Harris’s treatment of the uncommitted’s demands will influence her success. The uncommitted are analogous to undecided voters, and are a good barometer of socio-political conditions at large. So, voters of this mindset are worthy of consideration.

Polls show Harris with a lead in Michigan, so we will see if they are no longer worried about uncommitted. She comes to Michigan next week.

People the world over are sickened and repulsed by the war in Gaza, including Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others of every persuasion. The “undecided” in America is a subset of those peoples, who try to use their vote to raise awareness and stop the war crimes. Out of necessity and/or caring, these uncommitted voters understand the ongoing war crimes and associated politics. More than the average citizen, they are apt to have awareness of the horrific Israeli legacy. Last Wednesday, Netanyahu stood with honor over Congress. As he lied and bragged, Israeli forces took children’s lives. 

As GOP Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene posted on X , “You can vote your way into Socialism or Communism but you have to fight your way out”. Interaction with MAGA supporters says they feel it now more justifiable to vote for Trump, and they are standing by.

Over 100 Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris, skipped Netanyahu’s address to Congress. This 100 represents 19% of the 535 voting members of Congress. That is an accurate indicator of the number of politicians ready to show a modicum of willingness to fight for the interests of the people rather than corporations.

There is no ANTIFA in the streets, just as there is no meaningful contingent in Congress directly addressing progressive liberal democracy. Republicans will not even allow certain descriptive words of democracy to even be spoken. Even war resistors, the final stand of undecided voters, are called commie libs. 

Essentially, there are no left or left-leaning Representatives, only a handful who are routinely ridiculed and ignored. When Harris says “we are the underdogs”, she is right, and this is what she is talking about. As someone said, it is going to be wild.

The presidential political winds have shifted. When the winds settle and the smoke clears, will America be reoriented back toward functional democracy, or will we still be hell-bent toward authoritarian fascism? Trump versus Harris does not give you the answer. The answer lies in whether Harris can truly deliver on the freedoms and actions she talks. Can she get elected and deliver? Yes, if she garners the undecided voters.

Following are immediate considerations, all calling for public-facing communications on the part of candidate Harris. These can be regarded as extreme expectations, but these are dire times. At a minimum, a patrotic candidate would explain why they cannot be done. As we stumble through an election cycle, politicians need to know people are watching and care.

  1. Demand a cessation of the Gaza war. Prompt Biden to stop all munitions shipments to Israel. Acknowledge and demonstrate respect for the International Court of Justice. Set the expectation for a new Middle East policy that reigns in Israel from regional aggression and honors all people. Get it done now before it becomes world war.
  2. Remove or significantly temper references to Israel from your political party platform. Remove or stop the unfettered manipulation of American schools and local-state-federal government bodies (including bought politicians) by Israel state agencies, such as AIPAC et al. Answer why Democratic leaders are taking money from AIPAC.
  3. Prepare and enable a cultural force that transcends generations, to repair damages and modernize. Charter and work with them to spell out the characteristics of the progressive and liberal democracy we want to be, with no reliance on the fallacy of bipartisanship. This should start with justice and rule of law.
  4. List the prioritized major reform issues as you see them, featuring the controls and expectations over big money interests (including money in politics), to protect and enhance social services, with prominent industries supporting. Spell out the specifics of positive corporate citizenship as a hybrid socialism, which includes environmental protections, healthcare, and technology safeguards, ensuring fair taxes, work, and wages for all citizens.
  5. Share the communication strategy you will use to openly share intentions and progress on matters of importance to everyday citizens, without lecturing on “hope over cynicism”. (Biden learned this evasion from Obama, and it is toxic when used by the most powerful person in the world). Articulate how your administration will avoid even the perception of “someday maybe” Democrats shiftily serving elitists.

Yes, Harris might win without any of this top-of-mind spiel. And she will have done it without satisfying undecided voters, and America will still be on the slippery slope into fascism. She will leave undecided voters wondering about the obvious usual forces; money, money, and money.

Undecided voters are apt not to vote if there is not a viable candidate. At the same time, clarity and conviction can make bring them in as a formidable force.

No one can plainly explain why America is subservient to Israel. Maybe that too is money, money, and money. Maybe it is tempered with fear of going to hell, as “I’m a Zionist” Biden says. Jewish people are honorable and honored. The state of Israel is not.

A couple of weeks ago, before Biden dropped out, Harris did not have a voice. Imagine the relief she feels at finally being able to speak out. That relief and positive energy is directly shared between her and the people. It is exciting and hopeful.

But the presidency is never an easy job. And now, democracy is under blatant attack. While the world is shifting and burning. The candidate needs to stand tall, to win over and enlist the undecided voters, so that we can restore and work again as a people – Americans. Not warmongers.