The will of most Americans is being savagely torn asunder and discounted by the government. Two basic founding characteristics of our country are now only available as a pair of vital symbiotic goals. They are authentic faith and vibrant democracy. Where these go, all else follows.

These goals, authentic faith and vibrant democracy, can be expressed in various ways. However, the general meanings and ideas are always the same. Democracy and faith are two distinct interdependent organisms within American life. Each thrives through the other.
With hope and resolve and heavy hearts, people are banding together. Many books are written and learned people are speaking out on the topic. While there will always be a need for education, the tide is shifting toward action. We know the essence of what must be done, and the details will be revealed. We are at once brave and scared.
In yesteryears, America held these up as standards of excellence. We were without equal as a country, with strong righteousness before God. But many have fallen into immorality and greed that is now running the country. So now, we must work hard and fast, to bring these two qualities, these two goals, back to the forefront of our way of life. We anticipate collective community efforts of love and peace, in the midst of intolerable violence and hatred.
It is difficult to comprehend the heartless ruin the government is bringing down on the people and our communities. This is not the America we knew, that found greatness. Citizen Christians must not sit idly as both Christianity and the country are ransacked. Just how many we are, we who subscribe to this pair of goals, and what we are capable and willing to do to achieve them, remains to be seen.
It is a personal decision
You can be part of the growing force that is rising against pervasive evil in the USA. If you believe in the good nature of man, you are already part of the answer. Consider taking it farther.

Thinking caring people, those who can, including Christians, are responsible to answer the bell.
“No man is an Island; any man’s death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind. Therefore never ask for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”
America must build up authentic faith and vibrant democracy as two distinct and primary characteristics of social order in the USA.
Millions need to proactively endorse such an objective. Not all the ongoing change is bad – citizen Christians are assembling and growing. We must rise to influence the shape of ongoing change.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.
Isaiah 5 20
Vibrant Democracy is a function of Authentic Faith
By the way, authentic faith is not Christian nationalism, and vice-versa. This is not obvious to some people. Authentic faith enables vibrant democracy, which is something Christian nationalism cannot do.
Some people conclude that Christian nationalism won the election for Trump. Maybe. In any case, it has been a long slog to bring America to its current sad state, and it did not does not turn on any one election. You might see that the Democrats have no organized dissent against the Republican rampage. That is because they actually collected more oligarch money than the GOP; they are obligated to stay supine. If Harris had won we would be no closer to vibrant democracy. The fight, which is over moral values and not left-right or Dem-GOP, is inevitable and time is working against us.
Thank you for considering, and God bless.
Here is a recommended list of books for reading
Katherine Stewart
The Flag and the Cross: White Christian Nationalism and the Threat to American Democracy
Kristin Kobes Du Mez
Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation
Pamela Cooper White
The Psychology of Christian Nationalism: Why People Are Drawn In and How to Talk Across the Divide
Katherine Stewart
The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism
Focused on the idea ology of Christian Nationalism (what they are trying to do)
Michelle Goldbert
Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism
Andrew Torba
Christian Nationalism: A Biblical Guide For Taking Dominion And Discipling Nations