Picture saying the Harris honeymoon is over, over in big red letters. Harris honeymoon

The End of the Harris Honeymoon with the People

Candidate Harris is riding higher and ostensibly more carefree than ever, on the wave of the people’s joy and hope. The bulk of the people are decidedly ill-informed, apathetic, and looking to feel good. Jump on and enjoy; it’s the Harris honeymoon.

Maybe Candidate Harris sees no limit, as the rich surround and embrace her. She shows ability to accept that people are but background noise. Plus, she can go for total dominion if she can ignore world changes and the stench of genocide.

She was made the nominee, without due process or voting. Essentially, the presidency is hers to lose. The iron-rule establishment anointed her and made it so. This is why she doesn’t have to say anything of substance to the peons. Sure, she is suggesting her intent to throw the dogs some bones, the usual business of placation. In the end, just as Biden and Trump are essentially only different stylistically, the same is true in terms of her and Biden. So, you can do the math. We could be sweet talked into WW Three.

The Harris honeymoon looks really good for the profiteers

Wall Street and Silicon Valley grumbled on August 29th that she should drop planned taxes upon the ultrawealthy, and by September 4th Harris gave them what they wanted. Instant manna from the wealthy’s heaven. The Hill said her renege on taxing the rich is “so dumb it’s truly historic.” Following are the words she used in Wednesday’s New Hampshire speech, showing how she will dilute the Biden plan. The words actually define trickle-down economics; we poor suckers remember that, right?

Harris has enjoyed a mutually beneficial arrangement with the California hotbed of Big Tech, where she has shown a laissez-faire attitude. One of the biggest challenges of government, especially given artificial intelligence, is bringing Big Tech under control. Big Tech executives and venture capitalists have repeatedly said no; and Harris is seemingly okay with that.

On manners of economy and budget, Harris is following the coaching of Obama, the man who “foamed the runway” to bail out Wall Street, and who let Big Tech establish itself free reign. The Biden administration did a lot to start putting Tech in check, but Harris is projecting she will backtrack. For example, top Harris adviser Karen Dunn is the lead defense of Google in an antitrust case against the Biden administration, a blatant conflict of interest. The Big Tech billionaires are pushing Harris to get rid of FTC Chair Lina Khan because Khan has been enforcing antitrust law.

The pariah state of Israel wants the Harris Honeymoon to last forever

There is enough love for Jewish people that it is not a worry that Harris’s husband is Jewish. But when she gave aggressive Zionist Shapiro consideration as her VP, it was cause for pause. Now she consistently thrifts out humanity for the sake of Israel, while new atrocities pile up every day. She appears eager to inherit and promote this stain on mankind.

During the DNC convention, thinking caring people were holding their breath and wondering if our aggressive harvesting of Palestinians would even be mentioned. When finally, she ticked it off and gave the passing soundbite, saying she “will not be silenced”, it was the most genuine and vociferous roar of approval she got.

One wonders who or what is silencing her. If Israel’s maniacal fascism is to be served above all else, Harris should explain it in clear certain terms.  What is the American desperation that all principle and logic go to the wayside? Many of the best, most talented, treasured people are Jewish. The multitudes of good Jewish people do not justify the Israeli state. In fact, most Jewish people are horrified and silenced or taking to the streets.

Yes, Hamas did a dastardly thing on October 7th

But Israel has been leveling deadly racial hatred, colonialism, and inhumanity against Palestine for at least 75 years. So, all the DNC fanfare about freedom and joy is diluted and delayed, if not farcical, when Harris defers to Israel. We need skillful and strategic action, not the nurturing of grievances and impulsiveness predisposed to war and genocide. Finally, England has taken a marginal step to reduce their arms shipments to Israel; this is what the USA should have done eight months ago.

Informed Americans need to see Harris for what she is and what she stands for

This is not an anti-Harris stance. It is a pro America, pro-democracy stance. This is the moment we are in and she is the one who can make the difference if she puts the conflicting interests aside, and does the difficult and necessary right things to salvage America. Oh, so difficult, framed up by big money and war. I think it apropos that Harris is a black woman. Make her the zenith.

America needs productive change. But Harris is being careful not to present herself as a change candidate. Certainly, she has to get herself elected. And apparently that means she can only support corporate cannibalism and racially driven war. She is not accountable to the people because she is not engaging. At this rate, she will have told no lies. More credibly than Trump, she can say she doesn’t need your vote.

Let’s hope the Harris honeymoon isn’t over

If this it from Harris, we are seeing no chance, no intent, of saving democracy. There is nobody else to vote for. Really, there is no choice or freedom if she cannot step up. As some say: a failure at this juncture is the level of failure necessary for people to get in the streets and make the new America happen. So, until death do us part!