Supreme Justices are bringing on political violence

McConnell’s SCOTUS and Political Violence: The Buck Stops Here

Political violence is never good or justifiable. SCOTUS should not leave people hopeless.

Rule of law cannot touch Trump. But political violence can touch Trump. These two interconnected points are all the Trump shooting investigators need to know. Indeed, insight into the entirety of American tragedy follows from these two points. This is where we are, America.

Said another way: The deteriorating social state, bereft of basic rights and opportunities, left this boy (in his developing mind) without a path; this is the cause (the kid’s motive) served up by the court. So, the boy shot at the one who is unequivocally guaranteed a prime path, the protected one who is failing him; this is the natural effect of the court’s rulings. He is just another hapless desparate boy lost; we have millions. The amazing statistic, a credit to our police state, is that there hasn’t been more attempts.

The double-talking fascist core of the court is above reproach and likely takes pride at being the pimps of political violence. After all, if Trump were to fall, there are innumerable minions ready to stand at the head of the cult they maintain. It was not planned for Trump to get caught in a trace of friendly fire. There is nothing American or democratic in this. It is out-of-control warfare that the court is leveling upon the people.

Violence and the threat of violence pays off unconditionally for those above the law, directly and otherwise. The rules are rewritten to felonious advantage. Since the attempt against Trump, treasonous charges against him have been dismissed, Biden stopped competing against him, and he has been endorsed by the world’s richest man. Who says crime doesn’t pay?

Mitch McConnell, Creator of the Dark SCOTUS and the Attendant Political Violence

We are forced-watching the swan song of Mitch McConnell, and the strong supporting roles of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. They are all on death’s doorstep and indifferent at taking down democracy with them. The mastermind, the lesser-of-evils opportunist, and the Johnny-come-lately. Bipartisan capitalistic scourging at large. As Spartacus said, when death smiles at you, all you can do is smile back.Spartacus survived, and so might we.

As the LA Times put it, “from legal bribery to Trump’s immunity, a dark theme ran through this court’s term.” Call it unparalleled Constitutional deconstruction coupled with reverse Robin Hood rampage.

McConnell said “violence has no place in our politics.” He literally means his politics, to save his decrepit ass. He has been the violence rainmaker in all manner. See the Washington Post’s diatribe against his “decades long [successful and lucrative] effort to block gun control.”

The Inaccurate and Easy Way Out: Pin Political Violence on the Individual

Hopefully, political violence like that levied against Trump is not used as a provocation or justification for more. To ensure this does not happen, to avoid increased occurrences of assaults on politicians, it must be recognized that political violence is born of politically-driven fear and hopelessness. The behavior needs to be regarded in the aggregate. They are not “senseless” random acts.

Violence as perpetrated upon Trump cannot be justified or deemed necessary, even if politicians are feckless.

If the elitists really wanted to slow or stop acts of political violence, they would not be ceaselessly, ineffectually analyzing the perpetrator in isolation. This approach always concludes the criminal was an isolated aberrant, a social deviant intent on power and/or fame. If that were true, you would still have to ask why. An individual-based conclusion, with exclusion of nefarious political influences, always absolves the politicians.

All the suggestions to “lower the temperature” and demand new investigations are frivolous if the politicos and their hacks refuse to see the totalitarian trends and cannot accept the obvious root cause. It is harsh that, even in our dire straights, the rulers are not stepping back from the greed or rising above the corruption. It is, after all, big new guaranteed money on the table. Therein lies a most insidious form of violence against mankind. With this political/court leadership, we are moving beyond unwillingness to admit the truth, into irrelevance as regards individual people and the citizenry at large.

Failed Politics Beget Violence

Fascism is the easy, personally profitable way for the “politicians” – the top gangsters. They have the guns and money so, in their selfish, shortsighted analysis, they see little downside in the violence they spawn. Still, it is a risky business, as Trump might now see.

America can stem the violence only if we can manage to fight against the fascist state, which means for democracy. The fascist state into which we are (so far) settling into will, by definition, be violent. This does not surprise the controlling politicians. They pay attention only if the violence gets close to them. We must identify and rally around humane young leaders who are not just out for fame and fortune.

The assassination attempt on Trump is for practical purposes the indicator that we are officially not a democracy, that we have descended and are settling in to operate as a full fledged fascist state. With the SCOTUS backing and long laid plans coming to fruition and no meaningful organized resistance, we are beyond any handwriting on the wall, we are fascist.

Democracy Has Not Failed the People; Politicians Have Failed Democracy

Now, per the powers that be, violence is generally okay in America, even expected, but political violence is not. This is another manifestation of the haves and the have-nots, around protection and the expectation of safety.

The new SCOTUS, at its fascist core, has literally and figuratively gone dark. These fascists have raised up their protective shields and have no time for gibberish about lowly citizens, only corporations. It is to the point that you are nobody if you pay taxes and don’t have security guards. They have made it clear that they are unequivocally in charge and their stance and interpretation says there is no recourse.

The people and democracy can go pound sand, per McConnell’s SCOTUS. Is that child shooter any more culpable than the SCOTUS? It is a real question. Things are badly enough broken that we might finally have to go to that great new America.