Thinking caring people are asking “what can we do” and “who can be trusted”. Thankfully, Michigan’s political stars shine strong and bright. We are blessed and lucky to have them.
These are Michigan’s stars because they routinely do the evasive “right thing”; and they do it for the sake of the common people. This noble doing-of-the-right-thing enables them to operate with relative transparency and straightforwardness. This means they honor truthfulness, which is why you can trust them. They each possess this increasingly rare and precious trait, born of morality.
These stars give their constituents improved government rather than the empty-calories of politics. They get things done, usually with little fanfare. With politics having such a bad name, it’s a shame to call them political. These are people who, by their performance, help restore confidence in government.
These people are respected members of their political party, but that is not what gives them star rating. At a time when the political parties have lost their way, these folks are on track. These people are relatively young; they are not leaders of establishment politics. But dynamic leaders they are.
You Can Influence the Ongoing Change
Profound change is underway in America. Let these stars shape the change; they can make Michigan more the way it needs to be. The establishment needs to more strongly endorse this new generation of leaders, not stifle them.
Elected officials like these keep us above feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Check out Michigan’s political stars and you will see their individual strengths and accomplishments. Not just talk and campaigning. I follow these servants, but you don’t have to take my word for it.
Her inciteful response to Joe Biden’s State of the Union address.
Building a legend for telling it like it is.
Standing strong to protect our most basic rights.
The strongest consistent voice for workers wages and conditions.
Please consider. These servants are fighting the age-old good fight, the fight that is raging around the world and in the communities and streets of Michigan. It goes by many names; good versus bad, socialism versus fascism, love versus hate, left versus right. There is no perfection, but it still comes down to doing the right thing, especially in critical times of social strife.
If you want to know more about the good fight, read this new piece of historic-fiction: “The Women of Copper Country”; it’s the Michigan Humanities Read of the Year for 2022. Or watch the “Peaky Blinders” series on Netflix, where they make the difference between fascists and socialists graphically clear. However the story is framed, our political stars come down on the side of progress and good.
What You Can Do
Recognize our individual and collective vulnerability. Please don’t give up. If you want to be part of success in the making, or to better understand what’s going on to reclaim America, there is no better place to start than among these people. Give them a chance and they will earn your vote.
Please do vote. Important primaries are coming on August 2nd. Be open-minded and critical of anyone you support. Expect performance and integrity. When you see it, don’t take it for granted. Vote for these good people.
Support their candidacies in any way you can. The fabric of the country has been ripped away, and corporate greed is a most flagrant cause. With everything monetized, politics are openly for sale. This must change. But the sad fact is that good honest politicians have no chance if they don’t get direct support from the people – the thinking caring people like you.
Assumptions and Nominations for Michigan’s Political Stars
Thank you for considering my humble but experience-based opinion. This is relevant only if you subscribe to love and inclusion, sustainable environment, economic fairness, etcetera – to be pursued unrelentingly for the good of the common people. Michigan’s political allstars share our individual and collective vulnerabilities, but they manage not to be consumed by fear.
If you experience or see other equally impressive Michigan politicians/candidates, please share the who and why. Honor them.