Authentic Faith & Vibrant Democracy for Today
Metro Detroit Freedom Calendar
Detroit May Day 2025 and Beyond: Epic Good for All
Detroit May Day 2025 is vital for the local communities and also the country, and even the world. Here’s a good current article that spells out the unique power organized labor has to defeat Trumpism. Maybe you already know that a high level of solidarity is the key – it’s what the bad guys worry…
Like it or not, we’re all anti fascists now
People are getting called out as fascists and anti fascists, all over the world, down to your community. You’re either one or the other because all the middle ground is fast getting rubbed out. This picking-of-sides is where American political division and fecklessness has left the people. This dichotomy, this battleline of fascists versus anti…
US-Israeli Settler Colonialism is in a Death Spiral
For eighty years, Israel has been a test-bed for all things fascist and imperial. The Israel assault in Palestine is still hot as hell. But it’s down to just glowing embers with nothing in sight to feed the fire. It is not just that there is very little left to destroy or kill; settler colonialism…
René Lichtman, World Justice Warrior, Passes with Peace and Honor
Holocaust survivor and hidden child, René Lichtman, holding a picture of himself with his parents at the onset of WWII, 1939. René passed away at about 7:25 this evening, January 28 2025, under hospice care in Troy, Michigan. The small things mattered to René Lichtman; and while he might let you know, he was sensitive…
Christ’s Political Lessons of Old Are Still Powerful Today
Today’s political landscape is a lot like ancient Israel under Roman rule. Back in that day, some people were accepting change, or even looking for it. Many others were just totally apathetic. And still others were wildly hostile and angry, and using forked tongues. Similarly, we are now in a time of mixed behaviors and…
Living Presidents Feckless in the Light of Jimmy Carter’s Legacy
Fondly remember the great Christian man, Jimmy Carter. His funeral today put another item on his long list of lessons for fruitful life and decency. By simple contrast to our living presidents, Carter shined a light on the moral turpitude and indecency that infects our politics. Anyone who looked openly saw this. Jimmy Carter was…